April 28

Welcome to Research Maniacs' page about April 28.

Born on April 28
Were you born on April 28? If so, choose the year below to read interesting milestones and facts about April 28 for the year you were born.


Days until April 28?
Choose the year below to find out how many days until April 28 for that year.


What day of the week?
Choose the year below to find what day of the week April 28 is on for that year.


Another Day?
We have information about every day of the year. Pick another date below to explore or go to our calendar list.


Display the April 28 calendar icon on your blog or webpage
You can use Research Maniacs' April 28 calendar icon used on this page on your webpage and blog under certain conditions: You can only use the April 28 icon if you do not modify the icon and use the exact HTML code displayed below. (Do not remove the link to this page.)

<a href="https://researchmaniacs.com/Calendar-Dates/April-28.html">
<img SRC="https://researchmaniacs.com/Calendar-Dates/Images/April-28.png"
TITLE="April 28 calendar icon" border=0></a>

More information from Research Maniacs:

What is my sign if I was born on April 28?

How many days until my birthday on April 28?
Go here to find out the exact number of days until your birthday on April 28.

Birthstone for April
What is the birthstone for April and how can it help you?

How many days in April?
Number of days in April and other facts about the month.

Facts and information about the month of July.

Number 28
Learn more about the number 28.

April 29
Go here to learn about the day after April 28.

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