
Information about October

How many days in October?
How many days in October and other facts the month.

Birthstone for October
Do you know the birthstone for people born in October?

Celebrity Birthdays in October
Here is a list of celebrities that are born in October.

What is my sign?
Do you know the sign of people born in October?

What day is first Saturday in October?

What day is second Saturday in October?

What day is third Saturday in October?

What day is fourth Saturday in October?

What day is first Sunday in October?

What day is second Sunday in October?

What day is third Sunday in October?

What day is fourth Sunday in October?

What day is first Monday in October?

What day is second Monday in October?

What day is third Monday in October?

What day is fourth Monday in October?

What day is first Tuesday in October?

What day is second Tuesday in October?

What day is third Tuesday in October?

What day is fourth Tuesday in October?

What day is first Wednesday in October?

What day is second Wednesday in October?

What day is third Wednesday in October?

What day is fourth Wednesday in October?

What day is first Thursday in October?

What day is second Thursday in October?

What day is third Thursday in October?

What day is fourth Thursday in October?

What day is first Friday in October?

What day is second Friday in October?

What day is third Friday in October?

What day is fourth Friday in October?

Information about the other months of the year.

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