Stories with dogs

Stories with dogs in them

Dogs are man's best friend. Do dogs have animals as friends too? Find out by reading stories with dogs in them.

The brazier and his dog

The dog and the hare

The dog and the oyster

The dog and the rooster

The dog and the shadow

The dog in the manger

The dog, the rooster, and the fox

The dogs and the fox

The dogs and the hides

The dog's house

The donkey and the lapdog

The man bitten by a dog

The man the horse the ox and the dog

The master and his dogs

The mischievous dog

The shepherd and the dog

The thief and the housedog

The traveler and his dog

The two dogs

The wolf and the housedog

The wolves and the sheepdogs

Stories and Fables
Read more interesting and entertaining Stories and Fables here.

Information and facts about dogs.

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