What is 10/2 plus 7/4?

It can sometimes be difficult to add fractions, such as 10/2 plus 7/4. But it's no problem! We have displayed the answer below:

10/2 + 7/4 = 6 3/4

How did we solve the problem above? When we add two fractions, such as 10/2 + 7/4, we make sure that the two denominators are the same and then we simply add the numerators.

In cases where the denominators are not the same, we find the lowest common denominator and adjust the fractions to keep them intact.

We also simplify the answers to fraction problems whenever possible.

How To Add Fractions
Learn how to calculate 10/2 + 7/4. Go here for step-by-step instructions on how to add fractions.

Fraction Calculator
Now you know the answer to the fraction problem: 10/2 + 7/4. To find the answer to another fraction problem, use our convenient Fraction Calculator below:

More information from Research Maniacs:

What is 10/2 minus 7/4?

What is 10/2 divided by 7/4?

What is 10/2 multiplied by 7/4?

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