Calculate GPA
What is my GPA?

Fill in the information below to calculate your Grade-Point Average (GPA).

In the subject column, type in all your classes (math, english, etc). You can leave this column blank, but it is easier to keep track of what classes you have entered if you type it in.

In the Credits column, you simply type in how many credits the corresponding class is worth. Usually 2, 3, or 4.

In the last column, type in your grade for the corresponding class. Your options are A+ A A- B+ B B-C+ C C- D+ D D- and the sad F.

We have 5 classes by default on the list here, but you can add as many classes as you want by pressing "Add Another Class". The calculation will be correct even if you don't have enough classes to fill out all rows.

SubjectCreditsYour Grade

Your total Credits:      Your GPA is:
Note: We assign points to grade as follows: A+ 4.33, A 4.0, A- 3.67, B+ 3.33, B 3.0, B- 2.67, C+ 2.33, C 2.0, C- 1.67, D+ 1.33, D 1.0, D- 0.67, and F 0.0.

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