Every Chevrolet convertible since 1912.
What do you suppose this collection is worth?

This collection belongs to Dennis Albaugh in Ankeny, Iowa, just north of Des Moines.
The personal and private collection consists of 110 + Chevrolet convertibles
all years from 1912 to 1975 and Corvette convertibles from 1953 to 1975.

That is a Chevy convertible from every year of manufacture EXCEPT 1939.
The reason? - Chevy didn't make a convertible in '39 -- and ended its convertible line in '75!
His 'boy toys' include his own 18 hole golf course, copied somewhat after Augusta National.

He is what you call a REAL Chevy guy, but his passion seems to be convertibles ! This poor guy must barely make ends meet! right.
This billionaire made his fortune selling farm chemicals!
This is enough to make a grown man CRY !!!!
What a collection......gorgeous !!! Enjoy the trip down Memory Lane !
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