Here we will look at a 7.2 percent blood sugar level from a Glucose test result and tell you what it may mean. Is 7.2 percent blood sugar good or bad?
Note that blood sugar tests should be done multiple times over three months, and the 7.2 percent blood sugar level should be an average of those numbers.
According to the U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services, this is what the different levels of A1C blood sugar mean.
Below 5.7% = Normal
5.7% - 6.4% = Prediabetes
6.5% and above = Diabetes
Therefore, according to the chart above, a 7.2 percent blood sugar level may indicate:
Important: Our "Is 7.2 percent Blood Sugar from a Glucose test normal?" page is for information only. Research Maniacs is not responsible for any errors or omissions.
We strongly recommend that you see a doctor for all medical needs and that you ask your doctor to interpret any medical test results you receive.
Is 7.3 percent Blood Sugar from a Glucose test normal?
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