Convert eAG 87 mg/dL to A1C Blood Sugar

Here we have converted eAG 87 mg/dL to A1C Blood Sugar. We will also show you what formula we used to convert it.

Below we have displayed eAG 87 mg/dL converted to A1C percent:

A1C 4.7%

We converted eAG 87 mg/dL to A1C with this formula:
(46.7 + eAG) / 28.7 = A1C
and then we rounded the answer to the nearest one decimal.

eAG to A1C Blood Sugar Converter
Go here to convert another eAG blood sugar level to A1C blood sugar level.

Convert eAG 88 mg/dL to A1C Blood Sugar
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This page is not a substitute for a doctor nor guaranteed to be correct. All calculations, formulas and conclusions should be double-checked with your doctor.

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