Is 672 divisible by 3?

Is 672 divisible by 3? In other words, if you divide 672 by 3, will you get a whole number with no remainder?

Of course, you could use a calculator to find out if 672 is divisible by 3, but what fun would that be?

To find out if 672 is divisible by 3, we will add up the numbers that make 672 as follows: 6 + 7 + 2 = 15

We know that if the sum of the numbers that make up 672 is divisible by 3, then 672 is divisible by 3.

Since the sum of the digits in 672 is divisible by 3, 672 is also divisible by 3. Thus, the answer to the question "Is 672 divisible by 3?" is as follows:


Note: If you divide 672 by 3, you get 224 which is a whole number.

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