What is the Least Common Denominator of 6 and 70?

You need to know the least common denominator (LCD) of 6 and 70 if you want to add or subtract two fractions with 6 and 70 as denominators.

The least common denominator, also called lowest common denominator (LCD), of 6 and 70 is 210.

Here is a math problem example where you need to know the LCD of 6 and 70 to solve:

3/6 + 2/70 = ?

Step 1) Take the LCD and divide each denominator by it as follows:

210/6 = 35
210/70 = 3

Step 2) Multiply each nominator with the respective answers from Step 1:

3 x 35 = 105
2 x 3 = 6

Step 3) Put it all together to solve the problem:

105/210 + 6/210 = 111/210
= 3/6 + 2/70 = 111/210

It's that easy! Once again, the lowest common denominator (LCD) of 6 and 70 is as follows:


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