Publish a Kindle ebook on Amazon
How to publish your ebook on Amazon's Kindle Store

This explains step-by-step how to publish your book on Amazon so it can be purchased through the very popular Amazon Kindle Store and your book can be read by Kindle devices and Kindle Apps all over the world.

Make the cover page for your Kindle eBook

Use a Paint program such as Paintshop to make a cover page for your book. Make the cover page at least 960x1280 pixels in size. If you make it larger, make sure to keep the ratio 3/4 (Width/Length).
Save your cover page as a .jpg file.

Write your Kindle ebook

Use Microsoft Word to write your book. When writing your book make sure to do ALL the important steps below:

The first page should have the title of the book and the author of the book, followed by a page break.

The second page should include copyright information and whatever other legal information you want to include with your book, followed by a page break.

Write all your chapters next and separate each chapter with a page break.

Write the back page of the book (About the Book, author etc.)

The book must be at least 5000 words for Amazon to publish it.

Limit your use of Word formatting tools, but make sure to use pagebreak between each chapter.

After your word document is done, save the file as HTML.

Build your Kindle ebook

Install and download free MobiPocket Creator and then Open MobiPocket Creator

Click on HTML document under "import from Existing file" and choose your HTML book you created above and click import.

Click on Cover Page on the left and then add the cover page file you created above and then click Update at the bottom.

Click on Save button on top.

Click on Build button on top of the screen to make your .prc file

Upload your ebook to Kindle Direct Publishing on Amazon

Log into Kindle Direct Publishing (create an account if you don't have an account) and then click on Add a New Title

Fill in all the information. We recommend that you make a strong description and choose your keywords and categories wisely.

Then Upload your coverpage.jpg file and book .pcr file.

Click on Save and Continue, pick your price and wait 24 hours.

Your book will now be available to purchase in Amazon's Kindle Bookstore for every Kindle or Kindle App in iPads, iPods, Androids and many more devices.

Good luck. We hope you make a lot of royalties.

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