What does JAD mean?

Texting Abbreviations/Social Media definition of JAD

Are you feeling clueless about texting abbreviations? Did you receive a text or email with JAD, or maybe you saw JAD on one of those social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Google Plus, and your problem is that you have no idea what JAD means?

That can be frustrating and/or embarrassing, but it's no problem! You came to the right place to find out what JAD means.

JAD means:

Just Another Day

PS. We shorten and abbreviate words and sentences everywhere these days. Above we answered, What does JAD mean in texting? The question could also be: What does JAD mean on Facebook? What does JAD mean on Twitter? What does JAD mean on Instagram? What does JAD mean in email?

You get the point. We abbreviate and use JAD not only in texting, but on all the social media sites and through other digital communication.

Texting Abbreviations
See more texting abbreviations here.

Note that this is what Research Maniacs think JAD means in texting. Texting slang changes over time and in different regions and communities.

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