What is the airport code for Pau, France?
(The IATA airport code for Pau, France)
When you ask, "What is the airport code for Pau, France?" we assume that you are
referring to the three letter airport code for the local airport in Pau, France.
The official or more formal name for the three letter code is actually the International
Air Transport Association Airport Code or IATA Airport Code for short.
The airport code for Pyrenees Airport, which is located in Pau, France, is PUF.
There are many reasons why you may want to know the airport code for Pau, France.
Perhaps you want to confirm that your boarding pass is correct, confirm that your luggage is
tagged correctly to Pau, France, or want to make it easier to type the airport name into forms
when you shop for flights online.
If you need the airport code for somewhere else, check out our
What is the airport code page.
Have a good flight.