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Research Maniacs Ancestry Information

Welcome to Research Maniacs Ancestry Information. Here we try to explain generations, family relationships, and how people are related to each other. We hope you will find the information useful as you search for your current family members and past ancestors. It certainly is an interesting field of research.

What Generation Am I?
What Generation Am I? Learn more about your generation!

How Am I Related To?
Find out how you are related to different people in your family.

First Cousins
Description and explanation of First Cousins.

Second Cousins
Description and explanation of Second Cousins.

Third Cousins
Description and explanation of Third Cousins.

First Cousins Once Removed
Description and explanation of First Cousins Once Removed.

First Cousins Twice Removed
Description and explanation of First Cousins Twice Removed.

Second Cousins Once Removed
Description and explanation of Second Cousins Once Removed.


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