Where is area code 682?

Area code question: Where is area code 682? Did someone call you with an area code 682 and you want to know where they are calling from? Is the number on your Caller ID showing area code 682 and you are wondering where that person or business is located?

The location of area code 682 is


In other words, individuals and businesses with a telephone number that has the area code 682 may be from Texas.

There are many instances where someone with area code 682 is not actually calling from Texas. They may have moved from Texas, but not bothered changing their cell phone number or they may have ported their number from Texas to another state.

Furthermore, there are ways for "businesses" and individuals to get a phone number with area code 682, even though they are not located in or calling from Texas.

Thus, the 682 area code belongs to Texas, but these days that does not necessarily mean that the caller is from Texas or located in Texas.

Where is area code?
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Where is area code 683?
Now you know that the area code 682 is for Texas. Go here for the next area code on our list.

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