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How much is PMI on a $100,100 mortgage?

Here we will estimate how much Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is on a $100,100 mortgage loan.

Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) fees on a $100,100 mortgage are paid by the borrower and benefit the lender if the borrower cannot meet his or her loan obligations.

The lender usually requires the borrower to have private mortgage insurance if the loan is for more than 80 percent of the home's value.

Therefore, on a $100,100 mortgage, the house must be valued at $125,125 or more to avoid paying PMI.

The PMI on a $100,100 would depend on the loan terms and the borrower's credit score. We estimate that the PMI will range between $42/month $125/month.

PMI on $100,100 Mortgage Summary:

$42/month = low estimate

$125/month = high estimate

$0/month = If home value more than $125,125

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PMI Calculator
Check out our useful Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) Calculator for more PMI estimates.

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Go here for the next PMI estimations we calculated.


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