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Prime Factorization of 88
What are the prime factors of 88?

The prime factors of 88 are the prime numbers that can be divided into 88 exactly, with no remainder. The prime factorization of 88 is the list of prime factors of 88.

If you multiply all the prime factors of 88 you will get 88.

To find all the prime factors of 88, divide it by the lowest prime number possible.

Then divide that result by the lowest prime number possible. Keep doing this until the result itself is a prime number.

The prime factorization of 88 will be all the prime numbers you used to divide, in addition to the last result, which is a prime number.

The math and the solutions to prime factorization of 88 is as follows:

88 / 2 = 44
44 / 2 = 22
22 / 2 = 11

2 x 2 x 2 x 11

NOTE: The solution above must be correct, because they are all prime numbers and if you multiply them together you will find that they equal 88.

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Prime Factorization of 89
Do you think you can do it without our calculator, based on how we got the prime factorization of 88 on this page? If so, try one number higher and check your answer here.

Factors of 88
Don't confuse prime factors with factors! Go here if you want to see all the factors of 88.


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