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How many days in August?
How many days in August and other facts about August.

How many days in August?

August is the eighth month of the year and August always has 31 days.

There are a total of seven months with 31 days. August ends on the same day as November every year.

The name August comes from Augustus.

More information
from Research Maniacs:

Birthstone for August
OK. Now you know how many days in August, but do you know the birthstone for people born in August?

Celebrity Birthdays in August
Here is a list of celebrities that are born on one of the days in August.

What is my sign?
Do you know the sign of people born in August?

The page above was created by Research Maniacs and answers the following questions: How many days in August? How many other months have the same number of days as August? What does August have in common with other months? Where does the name August come from?

How many days in a year?
Go here for information about other months.


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