List of Antonyms Words

Here is large list of Antonyms Words

If you have two words that mean the opposite of each other, then they are call antonyms. We accumulated a large list of antonyms below.

Some words are listed twice, because a word may have multiple meanings, and thus different antonyms. For example, right left vs. right wrong. Enjoy our list of antonyms. NOTE: You may also like our Antonyms Lookup page.

Absent | Present
Abundant | Scarce
Above | Below
Accept | Refuse
Accept | Decline
Accidental | Intentional
Accurate | Inaccurate
Admit | Deny
Advance | Retreat
Advantage | Disadvantage
After | Before
Against | For
Agree | Disagree
Aid | Hinder
Ajar | Closed
Alive | Dead
All | None
Ally | Enemy
Always | Never
Ancient | Modern
Answer | Question
Antonym | Synonym
Apart | Together
Appear | Disappear
Appear | Vanish
Approached | Departed
Approve | Disapprove
Arrival | Departure
Arrive | Depart
Artificial | Natural
Ascend | Descend
Asleep | Awake
Attack | Defense
Attention | Inattention
Attic | Cellar
Attractive | Repulsive
Awake | Asleep
Backward | Forward
Bad | Good
Beautiful | Ugly
Before | After
Begin | End
Beginning | Ending
Below | Above
Bend | Straighten
Bent | Straight
Best | Worst
Better | Worse
Big | Small
Big | Little
Big | Tiny
Bitter | Sweet
Black | White
Blame | Praise
Bless | Curse
Blunt | Sharp
Bold | Timid
Boring | Interesting
Borrow | Lend
Borrower | Lender
Bottom | Top
Bound | Unbound
Bound | Free
Boundless | Limited
Boy | Girl
Brave | Cowardly
Bravery | Cowardice
Bright | Dull
Bright | Dim
Brighten | Fade
Broad | Narrow
Build | Destroy
Calm | Troubled
Calm | Windy
Calm | Excited
Can | Cannot
Cannot | Can
Capable | Incapable
Captive | Free
Captivity | Freedom
Careful | Careless
Careless | Careful
Cellar | Attic
Cellar | Attic
Cheap | Expensive
Cheerful | Sad
Cheerful | Dismal
Cheerful | Dreary
Cheerful | Gloomy
Child | Parent
Clear | Cloudy
Clever | Stupid
Client | Lawyer
Clockwise | Counterclockwise
Close | Distant
Close | Far
Closed | Ajar
Closed | Open
Cloudy | Clear
Cloudy | Sunny
Clumsy | Graceful
Clumsy | Dainty
Cold | Hot
Collect | Scatter
Combine | Separate
Come | Go
Comfort | Discomfort
Common | Rare
Complex | Simple
Complicated | Simple
Compulsory | Voluntary
Conceal | Reveal
Consonant | Vowel
Contract | Expand
Cool | Warm
Correct | Incorrect
Counterclockwise | Clockwise
Courage | Cowardice
Courteous | Rude
Coward | Hero
Cowardice | Bravery
Cowardice | Courage
Cowardly | Brave
Create | Destroy
Crooked | Straight
Cruel | Kind
Cry | Laugh
Curse | Bless
Customer | Shopkeeper
Dainty | Clumsy
Danger | Safety
Dangerous | Safe
Dark | Light
Dawdle | Hasten
Dawn | Dusk
Day | Night
Daytime | Nighttime
Dead | Alive
Decline | Accept
Decrease | Increase
Deep | Shallow
Defeat | Victory
Defense | Attack
Definite | Indefinite
Demagnetize | Magnetize
Demand | Supply
Deny | Admit
Depart | Arrive
Departed | Approached
Departure | Arrival
Depth | Height
Descend | Ascend
Despair | Hope
Destroy | Build
Destroy | Create
Difficult | Easy
Dim | Bright
Disadvantage | Advantage
Disagree | Agree
Disappear | Appear
Disapprove | Approve
Discomfort | Comfort
Discourage | Encourage
Disease | Health
Diseased | Healthy
Dishonest | Honest
Dislike | Like
Disloyal | Loyal
Dismal | Cheerful
Disobedient | Obedient
Displease | Please
Distant | Close
Distribute | Gather
Doctor | Patient
Down | Up
Down | Up
Downstairs | Upstairs
Downwards | Upwards
Dreary | Cheerful
Drunk | Sober
Dry | Wet
Dull | Bright
Dull | Interesting
Dusk | Dawn
Early | Late
East | West
Easy | Difficult
Easy | Hard
Easy | Tough
Ebb | Flow
Economise | Waste
Employee | Employer
Employer | Employee
Empty | Full
Encourage | Discourage
End | Begin
Ending | Beginning
Enemy | Ally
Enemy | Friend
Energetic | Lazy
Enter | Exit
Entrance | Exit
Even | Odd
Excited | Calm
Exclude | Include
Exhale | Inhale
Exit | Enter
Exit | Entrance
Expand | Contract
Expensive | Inexpensive
Expensive | Cheap
Export | Import
Exterior | Interior
External | Internal
External | Internal
Fade | Brighten
Fail | Succeed
Failure | Success
Fake | Real
Famous | Unknown
Far | Close
Far | Near
Fast | Slow
Fat | Thin
Fat | Slim
Feeble | Strong
Few | Many
Find | Lose
Finish | Start
First | Last
Float | Sink
Flow | Ebb
Fold | Unfold
Follower | Leader
Folly | Wisdom
Foolish | Wise
For | Against
Forget | Remember
Fortunate | Unfortunate
Forward | Backward
Found | Lost
Frank | Secretive
Free | Bound
Free | Captive
Free | Imprison
Freedom | Captivity
Freeze | Melt
Frequent | Seldom
Fresh | Stale
Friend | Enemy
Full | Empty
Gather | Distribute
Generous | Stingy
Gentle | Rough
Genuine | Imitation
Get | Give
Giant | Tiny
Girl | Boy
Give | Receive
Give | Get
Give | Take
Glad | Sorry
Glad | Sad
Gloomy | Cheerful
Go | Stop
Go | Come
Go | Stop
Good | Bad
Graceful | Clumsy
Grant | Refuse
Granted | Refused
Great | Small
Grow | Shrink
Guardian | Ward
Guest | Host
Guilty | Innocent
Happy | Sad
Happy | Mad
Hard | Soft
Hard | Easy
Hard | Soft
Harmful | Harmless
Harmless | Harmful
Harsh | Mild
Hasten | Dawdle
Hate | Love
Hate | Love
Have-Nots | Haves
Haves | Have-Nots
Health | Disease
Healthy | Unhealthy
Healthy | Diseased
Healthy | Ill
Healthy | Sick
Heaven | Hell
Heavy | Light
Height | Depth
Hell | Heaven
Help | Hinder
Here | There
Hero | Coward
High | Low
Hill | Valley
Hinder | Aid
Hinder | Help
Honest | Dishonest
Hope | Despair
Horizontal | Vertical
Host | Guest
Hot | Cold
Humble | Proud
Hunger | Thirst
Ignorance | Knowledge
Ill | Healthy
Imitation | Genuine
Immature | Mature
Immense | Minute
Immense | Tiny
Impatient | Patient
Impolite | Polite
Import | Export
Important | Trivial
Impossible | Possible
Imprison | Free
Imprudent | Prudent
Impure | Pure
In | Out
Inaccurate | Accurate
Inattention | Attention
Incapable | Capable
Include | Exclude
Incorrect | Correct
Increase | Decrease
Indefinite | Definite
Industrious | Lazy
Inexpensive | Expensive
Inferior | Superior
Inhabited | Uninhabited
Inhale | Exhale
Injustice | Justice
Inner | Outer
Innocent | Guilty
Insecure | Secure
Insecurity | Security
Inside | Outside
Intelligent | Stupid
Intentional | Accidental
Interesting | Boring
Interesting | Dull
Interior | Exterior
Internal | External
Invisible | Visible
Irregular | Regular
Irregularly | Regularly
Join | Separate
Joy | Sorrow
Junior | Senior
Just | Unjust
Justice | Injustice
Kind | Cruel
King | Subject
Knowledge | Ignorance
Known | Unknown
Land | Sea
Landlord | Tenant
Large | Small
Last | First
Late | Early
Laugh | Cry
Lawful | Unlawful
Lawyer | Client
Lazy | Energetic
Lazy | Industrious
Leader | Follower
Lecturer | Student
Left | Right
Left | Right
Lend | Borrow
Lender | Borrower
Lengthen | Shorten
Lenient | Strict
Less | More
Lie | Stand
Lie | Truth
Light | Heavy
Light | Dark
Light | Heavy
Like | Unlike
Like | Dislike
Likely | Unlikely
Limited | Boundless
Liquid | Solid
Listener | Speaker
Little | Big
Lofty | Lowly
Long | Short
Loose | Tight
Lose | Find
Lose | Win
Loss | Win
Lost | Found
Loud | Soft
Loud | Quiet
Loud | Quiet
Love | Hate
Low | High
Lower | Raise
Lowly | Lofty
Loyal | Disloyal
Mad | Happy
Magnetize | Demagnetize
Major | Minor
Majority | Minority
Maniacs | Research
Many | Few
Master | Servant
Mature | Immature
Maximum | Minimum
Me | You
Melt | Freeze
Merry | Sad
Messy | Neat
Messy | Neat
Mild | Harsh
Minimum | Maximum
Minor | Major
Minority | Majority
Minute | Immense
Miser | Spendthrift
Misunderstand | Understand
Modern | Ancient
More | Less
Nadir | Zenith
Narrow | Broad
Narrow | Wide
Natural | Artificial
Near | Far
Neat | Untidy
Neat | Messy
Never | Always
New | Old
New | Second-Hand
Night | Day
Nighttime | Daytime
No | Yes
Noisy | Quiet
None | Some
None | All
None | Some
Nonsense | Sense
North | South
Obedient | Disobedient
Occupied | Vacant
Odd | Even
Off | On
Offer | Refuse
Old | Young
Old | New
Old | Young
On | Off
Opaque | Transparent
Open | Shut
Open | Closed
Opposite | Similar
Opposite | Same
Optimist | Pessimist
Out | In
Outer | Inner
Outer | Inner
Outside | Within
Over | Under
Parent | Child
Past | Present
Patient | Impatient
Patient | Doctor
Peace | War
Permanent | Temporary
Pessimist | Optimist
Please | Displease
Plentiful | Scarce
Plural | Singular
Poetry | Prose
Polite | Impolite
Polite | Rude
Poor | Rich
Possible | Impossible
Poverty | Wealth
Powerful | Weak
Praise | Blame
Present | Absent
Present | Past
Pretty | Ugly
Private | Public
Prose | Poetry
Proud | Humble
Prudent | Imprudent
Public | Private
Pull | Push
Pupil | Teacher
Pure | Impure
Push | Pull
Qualified | Unqualified
Question | Answer
Quiet | Loud
Quiet | Noisy
Raise | Lower
Rapid | Slow
Rare | Common
Real | Fake
Reap | Sow
Receive | Give
Refuse | Accept
Refuse | Grant
Refuse | Offer
Refused | Granted
Regular | Irregular
Regularly | Irregularly
Remember | Forget
Repulsive | Attractive
Research | Maniacs
Retreat | Advance
Reveal | Conceal
Rich | Poor
Right | Wrong
Right | Left
Right | Wrong
Right-Side-Up | Upside-Down
Rigid | Soft
Rough | Smooth
Rough | Gentle
Rude | Courteous
Rude | Polite
Sad | Cheerful
Sad | Glad
Sad | Happy
Sad | Merry
Safe | Unsafe
Safe | Dangerous
Safe | Unsafe
Safety | Danger
Same | Opposite
Satisfactory | Unsatisfactory
Scarce | Abundant
Scarce | Plentiful
Scatter | Collect
Sea | Land
Second-Hand | New
Secretive | Frank
Secure | Insecure
Security | Insecurity
Seldom | Frequent
Senior | Junior
Sense | Nonsense
Separate | Join
Separate | Combine
Separate | Join
Serious | Trivial
Servant | Master
Shallow | Deep
Sharp | Blunt
Shopkeeper | Customer
Short | Long
Short | Tall
Shorten | Lengthen
Shrink | Grow
Shut | Open
Sick | Healthy
Similar | Opposite
Simple | Complicated
Simple | Complex
Simple | Complicated
Singular | Plural
Sink | Float
Slim | Thick
Slim | Fat
Slow | Fast
Slow | Rapid
Small | Big
Small | Great
Small | Large
Smooth | Rough
Sober | Drunk
Soft | Hard
Soft | Loud
Soft | Rigid
Solid | Liquid
Some | None
Some | None
Sorrow | Joy
Sorry | Glad
Sour | Sweet
South | North
Sow | Reap
Speaker | Listener
Spendthrift | Miser
Stale | Fresh
Stand | Lie
Start | Finish
Stingy | Generous
Stop | Go
Stop | Go
Straight | Bent
Straight | Crooked
Straighten | Bend
Strict | Lenient
Strong | Weak
Strong | Feeble
Strong | Weak
Student | Lecturer
Stupid | Clever
Stupid | Intelligent
Subject | King
Succeed | Fail
Success | Failure
Sunny | Cloudy
Superior | Inferior
Supply | Demand
Sweet | Sour
Sweet | Bitter
Sweet | Sour
Synonym | Antonym
Take | Give
Tall | Short
Tame | Wild
Teacher | Pupil
Temporary | Permanent
Tenant | Landlord
Them | Us
There | Here
Thick | Thin
Thick | Slim
Thin | Fat
Thin | Thick
Thirst | Hunger
Tight | Loose
Timid | Bold
Tiny | Big
Tiny | Giant
Tiny | Immense
Tiny | Vast
Together | Apart
Together | Apart
Top | Bottom
Tough | Easy
Transparent | Opaque
Trivial | Important
Trivial | Serious
Troubled | Calm
Truth | Untruth
Truth | Lie
Ugly | Beautiful
Ugly | Pretty
Unbound | Bound
Under | Over
Understand | Misunderstand
Unfold | Fold
Unfortunate | Fortunate
Unhealthy | Healthy
Uninhabited | Inhabited
Unjust | Just
Unknown | Known
Unknown | Famous
Unknown | Known
Unlawful | Lawful
Unlike | Like
Unlikely | Likely
Unqualified | Qualified
Unsafe | Safe
Unsatisfactory | Satisfactory
Untidy | Neat
Untruth | Truth
Unzip | Zip
Up | Down
Upside-Down | Right-Side-Up
Upstairs | Downstairs
Upwards | Downwards
Us | Them
Useful | Useless
Useless | Useful
Vacant | Occupied
Valley | Hill
Valuable | Valueless
Valueless | Valuable
Vanish | Appear
Vast | Tiny
Vertical | Horizontal
Vice | Virtue
Victory | Defeat
Virtue | Vice
Visible | Invisible
Voluntary | Compulsory
Vowel | Consonant
Wane | Wax
War | Peace
Ward | Guardian
Warm | Cool
Waste | Economise
Wax | Wane
Weak | Strong
Weak | Powerful
Weak | Strong
Wealth | Poverty
West | East
Wet | Dry
White | Black
Wide | Narrow
Wild | Tame
Win | Loss
Windy | Calm
Wisdom | Folly
Wise | Foolish
Within | Without
Within | Outside
Without | Within
Worse | Better
Worst | Best
Wrong | Right
Yang | Yin
Yes | No
Yin | Yang
You | Me
Young | Old
Zenith | Nadir
Zip | Unzip

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