President Rutherford B. Hayes

Facts, information, and Trivia about President Rutherford B. Hayes

Rutherford B. Hayes was the United States of America’s nineteenth president.

President Rutherford B. Hayes was born in Delaware, Ohio on October 4, 1822 and grew up to become America’s nineteenth president.

He was a lawyer before he became President of the United States at age 54. His place of primary affiliation was Ohio. Rutherford B. Hayes became president on March 4, 1877 and left the office on March 4, 1881.

President Rutherford B. Hayes was a member of the Republican Party and his vice president was William A. Wheeler.

Rutherford B. Hayes' nicknames include His Fraudulency, Dark-Horse President, and Rutherfraud.

Hayes tried without great success to improve relations between the warring north and south, including by getting rid of extensive government.

Rutherford B. Hayes was 70 years old when he died on January 17, 1893.

About this page: This page was created by Research Maniacs and may not be duplicated or copied. We hope you enjoy our sketch portrait of Rutherford B. Hayes. This page also contains information, trivia and facts about Rutherford B. Hayes. It has answers to questions like: How old was President Rutherford B. Hayes when he became president? When was Rutherford B. Hayes president? What did Rutherford B. Hayes accomplish? What was Rutherford B. Hayes’s occupation before he became president? Where was Rutherford B. Hayes born? What was Rutherford B. Hayes’s nickname? What political party did Rutherford B. Hayes belong to? What was Rutherford B. Hayes’s place of primary affiliation?

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