Search iBookstore
Find iBooks without using iTunes
iTunes may be required to browse and buy books from the iBookstore, but every
iBook also has its own address on the Internet.
How can you search the iBookstore on the Internet to find a book? In other words,
can you read about a book in the iBookstore without using iTunes, iPad, iPod, or
iPhone? Yes, you can read about a book in the iBookstore with any computer using
any browser.
This may be helpful if you simply want the price of the book in the iBookstore
or if you want to read more about the book on iBookstore.
It is also helpful for authors and publishers who want to find the web address to their book
on the iTunes webpage so it can be promoted on webpages, blogs, and social media.
Many also use the Search iBookstore feature below to get the iTunes Apple unique ID
for a particular book.
Two step process to finding a book on iTunes using your computer instead
of iTunes or the iBook App.
Step 1: Find the ISBN number for the book. The simplest way to do that
is to first search for the book on
and get the 13 digits ISBN number under book details.
Step 2: Type the 13 digit ISBN number (without the dashes) in the box below and click on "Search iBookStore".
Then click the “Back” button in your browser to come back here.
You can use ISBN 9781451648539 to see how it works. It will take you to
If you are a publisher or author and want the web address (URL) to your
book, simply take out ?mt=11 from above, and you are left with
The number after 'id' is the unique iTunes Apple ID for that particular book.