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What is the nickname for Kansas?
Information about the nickname for Kansas

In researching the nickname for Kansas, we searched for new and old nicknames. We also searched for official and unofficial nicknames.

Our research found the official nickname for Kansas to be as follows:

Sunflower State

We will update our list of past and unofficial nicknames for Kansas as new ones are created or suggested. In addition to the official nickname for Kansas above, our list of other nicknames for Kansas includes:

Bleeding Kansas

Cyclone State

Jayhawk State

Wheat State

If you use Research Maniacs a lot, you know that we would not only research the nicknames for Kansas. We researched all the nicknames for all the states. To see the next state on our list, go to What is the nickname for Kentucky?

State Nicknames
Now you know the state nickname for Kansas. Go here for nicknames of other states.

More information
from Research Maniacs:

Go here for more information about Kansas.

Something to think about:
If you could give Kansas a nickname, what would be be? Would your nickname for Kansas be something good or bad?


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