The lion the fox and the donkey Happy is the man who learns from the misfortunes of others
The lion the mouse and the fox Little liberties are great offenses
The lioness The value is in the worth - not in the number
The man and his two sweethearts Those who seek to please everybody please nobody
The man and his wife Straws show how the wind blows
The man and the lion One story is good until another is told
The mice and the weasels The more honor the more danger
The mischievous dog Notoriety is often mistaken for fame
The monkey and the fox A false tale often betrays itself
The monkeys and the mother The best intentions will not always ensure success
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The mouse, the frog and the hawk Harm hatch - harm catch
The north wind and the sun Persuasion is better than Force
The oak and the reeds Stoop to conquer
The oak and the woodcutters Misfortunes springing from ourselves are the hardest to bear
The old woman and the wine jar The memory of a good deed lives
The oxen and the axle trees Those who suffer most cry out the least
The oxen and the butchers Do not be in a hurry to change one evil for another
The peacock and the crane Fine feathers do not make fine birds
The peasant and the apple tree Self-interest alone moves some men