Super Bowl XXVI
Information about Super Bowl XXVI in 1992
Here we have information about Super Bowl XXVI that was held in 1992.
Super Bowl XXVI was played in Metrodome which is located in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The National Anthem was performed by Harry Connick, Jr..
The two teams that played in Super Bowl XXVI were Washington Redskins and Buffalo Bills.
The head coach for the Washington Redskins was Joe Gibbs and the head coach for the Buffalo Bills was Marv Levy.
The quarterback for the Washington Redskins was Mark Rypien and the quarterback for the Buffalo Bills was Jim Kelly.
The Most Valuable Player (MVP) in Super Bowl XXVI was Mark Rypien.
Washington Redskins won against Buffalo Bills in the 1992 Super Bowl.
The final score was 37 - 24.