Super Bowl XXXI
Information about Super Bowl XXXI in 1997
Here we have information about Super Bowl XXXI that was held in 1997.
Super Bowl XXXI was played in Superdome which is located in New Orleans, Louisiana.
The National Anthem was performed by Luther Vandross.
The two teams that played in Super Bowl XXXI were Green Bay Packers and New England Patriots.
The head coach for the Green Bay Packers was Mike Holmgren and the head coach for the New England Patriots was Bill Parcells.
The quarterback for the Green Bay Packers was Brett Favre and the quarterback for the New England Patriots was Drew Bledsoe.
The Most Valuable Player (MVP) in Super Bowl XXXI was Desmond Howard.
Green Bay Packers won against New England Patriots in the 1997 Super Bowl.
The final score was 35 - 21.