Super Bowl XLIV
Information about Super Bowl XLIV in 2010
Here we have information about Super Bowl XLIV that was held in 2010.
Super Bowl XLIV was played in Sun Life Stadium which is located in Miami Gardens, Florida.
The National Anthem was performed by Carrie Underwood.
The two teams that played in Super Bowl XLIV were New Orleans Saints and Indianapolis Colts.
The head coach for the New Orleans Saints was Sean Payton and the head coach for the Indianapolis Colts was Jim Caldwell.
The quarterback for the New Orleans Saints was Drew Brees and the quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts was Peyton Manning.
The Most Valuable Player (MVP) in Super Bowl XLIV was Drew Brees.
New Orleans Saints won against Indianapolis Colts in the 2010 Super Bowl.
The final score was 31 - 17.