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2 Degrees Celsius
Information about 2 degrees Celsius

Here we have information about 2 degrees Celsius, which is also known as 2 centigrade or 2 °C. We will tell you what 2 degrees Celsius is equivalent to when converted into different kinds of temperature units. We will also show you how we converted 2 degrees Celsius into those other units.

2 Degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit
We calculated 2 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit as follows (2 × 9⁄5) + 32.

2 degrees Celsius =
35.60 degrees Fahrenheit

2 Degrees Celsius to Kelvin
We calculated 2 degrees Celsius to Kelvin as follows 2 + 273.15.

2 degrees Celsius =
275.15 degrees Kelvin

2 Degrees Celsius to Rankine
We calculated 2 degrees Celsius to Rankine as follows (2 + 273.15) × 9⁄5.

2 degrees Celsius =
495.27 degrees Rankine

2 Degrees Celsius to Delisle
We calculated 2 degrees Celsius to Delisle as follows (100 − 2) × 3⁄2.

2 degrees Celsius =
147 degrees Delisle

2 Degrees Celsius to Newton
We calculated 2 degrees Celsius to Newton as follows 2 × 33⁄100.

2 degrees Celsius =
0.66 degrees Newton

Helpful Formulas
from Research Maniacs:

We used the formulas below to convert 2 degrees Celsius into the other temperatures on this page.

Celsius to Fahrenheit
(°C × 9⁄5) + 32 = °F

Celsius to Kelvin
°C + 273.15 = °K

Celsius to Rankine
(°C + 273.15) × 9⁄5 = °R

Celsius to Delisle
(100 − °C) × 3⁄2 = °De

Celsius to Newton
°C × 33⁄100 = °N

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Research Maniacs:

Celsius Converter

Celsius Converter
Go here for Research Maniacs' easy to use Celsius Converter.

3 Degrees Celsius
Now you know all about 2 degrees Celsius. Go here for one degree higher.


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