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What time zone is Martins Ferry, Ohio?

Martins Ferry, Ohio is located in the Eastern Time Zone, which means that the time is Eastern Standard Time (EST) during regular time and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) when daylight savings is in effect.

Eastern Standard Time
When it is Eastern Standard Time, Martins Ferry, Ohio is UTC-05:00 which means that it is -5 hours offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The Eastern Standard Time in Martins Ferry, Ohio (UTC-05:00) is shown in blue below:

Eastern Daylight Time
When it is Eastern Daylight Time, Martins Ferry, Ohio will be UTC-04:00 which means that it is -4 hours offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the time will be as follows in green:

As you can see, the difference between EST and EDT in Martins Ferry, Ohio is one hour, because the daylight savings is adjusted by one hour.

Martins Ferry, Ohio Time Zone Summary:

Eastern Standard Time (EST)
GMT -5 hours

Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
GMT -4 hours

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