How is tofu made?
This is how tofu is made!
You may think the increasingly popular Tofu, with its low
calorie and low fat content, is a new invention by the health and
fitness industry. Not true. Tofu was invented in China more
than a 1000 years ago. So how is Tofu made?
Tofu is made with soybeans, water and coagulant. First you
soak the soybeans in water, and then you grind them up into a mushy paste.
Then you cook it and filter it to get soymilk. Finally, you add coagulant to
harden the soymilk and voila, you have Tofu.
Tofu does not have much taste by itself, but it takes on
the flavor of whatever you cook it with. Add that to its
low calorie content, and you can understand why Tofu
is so popular to cook with.
Comments from Research Maniacs' visitors:
Thank you for giving me the general idea of how Tofu is made.
You may also point out that Tofu is Gluten free.
Portland, Maine
To Linda: Actually, Tofu is not always Gluten free because
sometimes the "soy sauce" is made with wheat. So be careful
before assuming it is Gluten free.
Reno, Nevada
Although this tells you how Tofu is made, I wish it also had
the recipe? Can you post step-by-step recipe on how Tofu
is made too?
Miami, Florida

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