Celebrity birthdays by month

List of famous people and when they were born by month

Choose the month below to find celebrities born in that month

Celebrity Birthdays in January
List of Celebrity birthdays in January. Famous people born in January.

Celebrity Birthdays in February
List of Celebrity birthdays in February. Famous people born in February.

Celebrity Birthdays in March
List of Celebrity birthdays in March. Famous people born in March.

Celebrity Birthdays in April
List of Celebrity birthdays in April. Famous people born in April.

Celebrity Birthdays in May
List of Celebrity birthdays in May. Famous people born in May.

Celebrity Birthdays in June
List of Celebrity birthdays in June. Famous people born in June.

Celebrity Birthdays in July
List of Celebrity birthdays in July. Famous people born in July.

Celebrity Birthdays in August
List of Celebrity birthdays in August. Famous people born in August.

Celebrity Birthdays in September
List of Celebrity birthdays in September. Famous people born in September.

Celebrity Birthdays in October
List of Celebrity birthdays in October. Famous people born in October.

Celebrity Birthdays in November
List of Celebrity birthdays in November. Famous people born in November.

Celebrity Birthdays in December
List of Celebrity birthdays in December. Famous people born in December.

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