Celebrity birthdays in November

List of famous people born in November

If you are born in November, you November like to know of famous people born in November. Below is a list of famous people and celebrities with birthdays in November. Happy Birthday.

Abbie Hoffman
Alben W. Barkley
Amy Grant
Amy Ryan
Andrew Carnegie
Anna Nicole Smith
Arundhati Roy
Augusto Pinochet
Barbara (First DaughterBush
Ben Stiller
Bill Nye
Billy Burke
Billy Idol
Billy Strayhorn
Bruce Lee
C.S. Lewis
Caroline Kennedy
Carry Nation
Charlaine Harris
Charles "Lucky" Luciano
Charles Schulz
Christian Doppler
Christina Applegate
Clay Aiken
Clémence Poésy
Dick Clark
Don Cheadle
Ed Harris
Elisha Cuthbert
Ellen G. White
Franklin Pierce
Friedrich Engels
Gena Lee Nolin
Jacques Chirac
Janet Napolitano
Jenna Bush
Jimi Hendrix
Joe DiMaggio
John Jr. Kennedy
Jon Stewart
Jonathan Swift
Katherine Heigl
Kathryn Bigelow
Kelly Brook
Larry Hoover
Lawrence H. Summers
Louisa May Alcott
Madeleine L'Engle
Mark Twain
Mary Schmich
Miley Cyrus
Nodar Kumaritashvili
Peter Facinelli
Porter Goss
Princess Jasmine
Rahm Emanuel
Randy Newman
Ricardo Montalban
Ridley Scott
Shirley Chisholm
Ted Bundy
Terrence Malick
Tim Pawlenty
Tina Turner
William Blake
Winston Churchill
Zachary Taylor

Celebrity birthdays by month
See also list of famous people and
when they were born by month

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