Personal Finance

Helpful information about your personal finances.

Don't waste your money!
Tips on how to NOT waste your money!.

Cost of Owning a Car
Calculate car ownership cost. It is a lot more than you may think!

Mortgage Calculator
Time to refinance your home? Calculate your monthly payments based on interest rate and life of loan.

Mortgage FAQ
Learn everything you need to know about mortgage here!

Fuel Economy Calculator
Calculate your total gas cost per year based on Miles per Gallon (MPG), Gas price, and how many miles you drive.

Auto Loan Calculator
Are you thinking about financing your new car or truck? Find out what your monthly auto loan payments will be!

How to buy a car
This is how to buy a car online. In fact, this is the best way to buy a car.

Tip Calculator
Tip Calculator. To overtip or undertip. Find the right tip here!

How is inflation measured?
Question: How is inflation measured?

Bad Credit Score?
Check your credit scores to see if it is bad.

Good Credit Score?
Check your credit scores to see if it is good.

Present Value Calculator
Go here to calculate present value of any future value.

Future Value Calculator
Go here to calculate future value of any present value.

Mortgage Calculator App
Are you planning to buy a new home or refinance your current home? If so, this App can calculate your exact monthly mortgage payment down to the cent. (iPad and iPhone IOS App)

PV Factor Table Lookup
Present Value Factor Table Lookup Tool. Check it out here!

How long to double money?
Go here to see how long it takes to double your money.

FV Factor Table Lookup
Future Value Factor Table Lookup Tool. Check it out here!

Am I Poor?
Go here to find out if you are poor based on yearly income and household size.

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