What do Mormons believe?
Question: What do Mormons believe?
Some people may believe that the Mormon Church is
some kind of weird cult or secret society. However,
if those people read the 'Articles of Faith' and
researched more about what the Mormons are really
about, they may see Mormons in a new light and as
normal church going people.
Below are some things that the Mormons believe.
We hope this will give you a better understanding
of this religion and make it less 'mysterious'.
Mormons believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His
Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.
Mormons believe in being obedient and obeying leaders
such kings, presidents, and other rulers, and follow and
honor their laws. Mormons are wholesome and believe in
being honest, truthful, and being good to everyone.
Mormons are Christians. Mormons believe
that the Bible is the Word of God. Mormons believe
in Jesus. In fact, their church has the name 'Jesus"
in it: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Furthermore, Mormons believe in other scriptures, such
as the Book of Mormon.
Mormons do not believe addictive substances should
be consumed. Mormons do not drink alcohol or smoke.
Some people may think they are a little too wholesome,
because they also do not drink warm drinks such as
coffee and tea.
Mormons pray daily and believe that God answers the
prayers of his followers. Mormons believe you should
go to church on Sunday and you should not work on
Mormons believe in their families. They are very
family oriented, believe in big families and that
being faithful to your spouse in extremely important.
Politically, Mormons are conservative.
Mormons believe that every person will be resurrected
into kingdoms of glory.