Where do most women in America live?

USA: Where do most women in America live?

We used the US Census to search through thousands of places in America to find where the highest percentage of females live.

Here is the top 10 list of where you can find the highest percentage of females in America.

1. Pulaski County, GA
2. Livingston County, MO
3. Summers County, WV
4. Franklin City, VA
5. Sumter County, AL

6. Clay County, GA
7. Martinsville City,VA
8. Staunton City, VA
9. Niobrara County, WY
10. Audrain County, MO

We also searched for where you can find the lowest percent of females in America. Here is the top 10 list:

1. Crowley County, CO
2. Concho County, TX
3. Aleutians East Borough, AK
4. Aleutians West, AK
5. Forest County, PA

6. West Feliciana Parish, LA
7. Wheeler County, GA
8. Union County, FL
9. Lassen County, CA
10. Brown County, IL

Furthermore, the state with the most females is Rhode Island and the state with the least females is Alabama.

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We used US Census data to generate the information on this page. Please note that the United States of America is always changing and the above information may no longer be correct. The above information should be used for entertainment only and Research Maniacs does not guarantee its accuracy.

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