United States of America FAQ

Questions and Answers about America

Where do the oldest people in America live?

Where do the youngest people in America live?

Where do most women in America live?

Where do most men in America live?

What is the largest county in America?

What is the largest state in America?

What is the smallest state in America?

Where do most babies and toddlers live in America?

Where do the most white people in America live?

Where do the most Black or African-American people in America live?

Where do the most Hispanic or Latino people in America live?

Where do the most foreign-born persons live in America?

Where do the most educated people in America live?

Where is it most expensive to buy a home in America?

Where is it most affordable to buy a home in America?

Where do most people co-habitate in America?

Where do the richest people in America live?

Where do the poorest people in America live?

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