Where do the most foreign-born persons live in America?

Where do the most foreign-born people live in America? To find the answer, we looked at where most immigrants live in America as a percentage. Below are the top 10 states with the most foreign-born people.

1. California
2. New York
3. New Jersey
4. Florida
5. Nevada

6. Hawaii
7. Texas
8. Massachusetts
9. Illinois
10. Maryland

As you can see from the list above, California has the highest percentage of foreign-born people.

We also sorted more than 3000 counties and found Miami-Dade County, FL to have the most foreign-born people. Here is the top 10 list:

1. Miami-Dade County, FL
2. Queens County, NY
3. Hudson County, NJ
4. Garza County, TX
5. Kings County, NY

6. Santa Clara County, CA
7. San Francisco County, CA
8. Los Angeles County, CA
9. Maverick County, TX
10. Clark County, ID

West Virginia is the state with the lowest number of foreign-born people. These counties have NO foreign-born people:

Calhoun County, AR
Jackson County, KY
Magoffin County, KY
Rockcastle County, KY
Carroll County, MS
Wheatland County, MT
Slope County, ND

Arthur County, NE
Blaine County, NE
Logan County, NE
McPherson County, NE
Brule County, SD
Shannon County, SD
Loving County, TX

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We used US Census data to generate the information on this page. Please note that the United States of America is always changing and the above information may no longer be correct. The above information should be used for entertainment only and Research Maniacs does not guarantee its accuracy.

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