How many ribs does a man have?
Question: How many ribs does a man have?
Interesting how people ask this question. Either we hear "how many
ribs does a man have", or "how many ribs does a woman have", or
"how many ribs does a man have vs. a woman", when the real question
should be "how many ribs does a human have" because the man and the woman
have the same number of ribs.
Humans have twelve pairs of ribs. In other words, they have 12 on each side
of the body, making the total 24 ribs.
Some of you may remember back in Sunday school, when you learned that
God took one of Adam's ribs to make Eve. Thus, you probably wonder
why Adam does not have one less rib. Well, we asked this question
to our Priest last Sunday, and here is his answer:
"It is true that God took a rib from Adam to make Eve, but that
does not mean that future males will have one less rib. The same way,
if you lose your little toe in an accident, it does not mean that your
son or daughter will be born without a little toe."