When is Oregon's Birthday?

The admission date and birthdate of Oregon.

We here at Research Maniacs consider Oregon's birthdate to be the day Oregon joined the Union. In other words, Oregon's birthday is the date of statehood for Oregon.

The admission date and therefore the birthdate of Oregon is:

February 14, 1859.

You may also be interested to know that Oregon is the 33rd state to be admitted to the Union.

Do you know what day of the week Oregon was born? We have made a calendar for 1859 so you can find out.

Anyway, if this is February 14, then this is Oregon's Birthday. Happy Birthday Oregon!

On the left, you see the Oregon Commemorative Quarter showing 1859, which is the year Oregon became part of the United States of America.

State Birthdays
See birthdays for other states here.

What is Oregon's abbreviation?

How many electoral votes does Oregon have?

What is the largest city in Oregon?

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