Why does popcorn smell so bad?
Popcorn Question: Why does popcorn smell so bad?
You are sitting in your cubicle when you see Mr. Orville in
the next cubicle taking out his daily snack and bringing
it over to the microwave in the lunchroom. You know what comes
next! The whole office will stink from the burnt popcorn.
So, why does popcorn smell so bad you ask?
It is not all popcorn that smells bad. It is the microwave
popcorn that smells.
Burnt microwave popcorn can easily make your whole house or office stink.
The microwave popcorn includes chemicals and fake flavoring that simply
stinks if it is burnt. Many say that microwave popcorn is really bad for
you and it does smell bad, so you should probably stay away from it anyway.