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Random Information

Here is Research Maniacs' random stuff. The information itself is not random, but the topics are related to randomness.

Flip A Coin
Here is Research Maniacs' 'Flip A Coin' page

Random Bible Verse
Do you need an idea of something to read in the Bible? Let us pick a random Bible verse for you!

Random Color Generator
Our Random Color Generator picks from almost 17 million different colors.

Random Country Generator
Learn about a random country that may be foreign to you!

Random Date Generator
Generate a random date from the past or the future.

Random Birthday Generator
Generate yourself a random birthday!

Random Facts
Are you feeling curious? Do you want to learn something new?

Random Identity Generator
Make up random names, addresses, dates, and more.

Random Letter Generator
Generate random lowercase and uppercase letters from the alphabet.

Random Number Between
Get a random number between any two numbers you enter.

Random Website
Explore the Internet by going to a Random Website.

Random Conundrums
Go here for interesting Random Conundrums.

Random Names:

Fantasy Name Generator
Use our tool to generate a male or female fantasy name.

Random Japanese Name Generator
The Random Japanese Name Generator can generate random Japanese names.

Random Last Name Generator
Go here if you need to generate a random last name.

Random Name Generator
Check out Research Maniacs' popular Random Name Generator.

Random Words:

Random Adjective Generator
Try our Random Adjective Generator for ideas!


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